10 augustus 2021

Wat is een IP-classificatie?

What is an IP Rating? The IP rating is the abbreviation of an Ingress Protection mark, sometimes is a synonym of the International Protection mark. Generally, an IP rating is a two-digit grading system. This system is a

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Juli 21 2021

Gids voor kopers | De brede toepassing van LED-downlight

Have you ever tried to make the living room more romantic? Have you ever wanted to show guests the beauty of tiles on the walls of your house? Have you ever had a thought to install a light to cr

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Juli 07, 2021

Koopgids voor LED-downlights: welk type downlights voldoet aan uw huisbehoefte?

Many different types of downlights in the market dazing our buyers’ eyes. Therefore, buyers confuse which type of downlights is the best choice? Before choosing LED downlights, please read this article to get the b

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Juli 06, 2021

Hoe verblinding van LED-downlights te verminderen?

Downlighting is such a useful and effective source of light that the downlighter has been adopted into most interiors. However, they can often be the reason why a room’s lighting just isn’t comfortable to be

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Jun 25 2021

De gezondheids- en kostenvoordelen van flikkervrije verlichting.

  Flicker-free LED lighting offers numerous health and cognitive benefits What are some of the potential health benefits of flicker-free LED lighting? Pioneering controlled studies conducted by Arnold Wilkins

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